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Old News - archived stuff  2015-2017

*  (30 December 2017)

The January 2018 songbook is now ready.  There are only 3 new songs (I didn't get round to preparing the other 2) so I've stuck in a couple of other songs to fill the gaps.  Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday evening down the New Inn.  


*  (29 December 2017)

The song list for both our meetings in January is on the songbook page. There are 5 new songs (highlighted in yellow), which are currently being prepared. Individual sheets for the new songs, together with the full January songbook, will be uploaded in the next day or so.

*  (28 December 2017)

Did you get a ukulele for Christmas but don't know what to do next?  How about joining us at the New Inn next Wednesday (3rd January) for our first meeting of the year. Beginners and newcomers very welcome.

Do you yearn to play a musical instrument but you're not sure the ukulele is for you? Come along to one of our meetings to see how it's done, join in the singing.  


Or perhaps you are a secret ukulele addict and are ashamed to tell your friends and family?  Just tell them you're popping down the pub to see a bloke called Dave and join us at the New Inn or the Blue Boar for one of our meetings.


*  (21 December 2017)

Last night at the Blue Boar was quite well attended considering it is Christmas and there are many competing events.  Looking forward to the New Year, we have a number of events coming up - some of them are already in our calendar (check it out) and others will be added when dates are agreed.  


NFUF 2018  This will be the 2nd New Forest Ukulele Festival.  Due to competing events, the Festival has been brought forward one week and will take place on Saturday 12 May 2018.  Information from the organisers is as follows:  

Memorial Centre doors open 10.00am.  Uke groups singalong and strumalong from 11am until 5pm.  Pete Davis has already had requests from several uke groups - slots are being taken fast.  Open Mic (2-5pm) and workshops upstairs.  Entry will be £5 at the door. 

As part of NFUF, the following Saturday (19 May 2018) at 19:30, there will be a concert by Opera-lele at the Forest Arts Centre, New Milton.  Tickets £9.50.

*  (08 December 2017)

Don't forget, PUPS are at Sunrise Home in Southbourne tomorrow (9th December) for the Christmas Fete. We start playing at 11:00

*  (22 November 2017)

The Xmas gigs 2017 songbook is now ready for download to your tablet, if you feel you need it.  Although you could just use the Xmas Songbook, the gig list is not in the same order. 

*  (19 November 2017)

The two meetings in December will use the PUPS Xmas Songbook which has been revised as there are several new songs. A separate songbook will issue for our Xmas gigs. 

*  (09 November 2017)

By popular request, or do I mean popular demand, there's another change to this month's songbook - now November songbook (revised_2).  The change is Our Sergeant Major has been re-worked in the key of [F].

*  (07 November 2017)

A change of date for our Christmas session at Oakdale Library.  Now confirmed for Saturday, 2nd December. Full details to follow.

*  (05 November 2017)

A revised version of the November 2017 songbook is available on the Songbooks page.  It includes the paper copy songs that were introduced at the New Inn last week.

*  (03 November 2017)

We're back in business - a replacement countdown clock has been installed on the Home page for the New Inn meetings.

*  (01 November 2017)

Lots of new faces, and some old faces, at the New Inn this evening - great to see everybody.  With our move from the rear bar to the front bar of the New Inn, I was worried that we might lose the disabled access.  However, the staff assure me that we do not have a problem using the front bar.

Does anyone read this page?  We have quite a few members who don't use Facebook.  Anything posted on FB is also posted here (except you don't get all the comments and you don't get to see when new members sign up on FB).  But we do have a  calendar and all the songs are posted on this site.  Most importantly, the home page has the countdown clocks to remind you where our next meeting is.  And having said that, the website is currently having problems with amending the countdown clocks so the clock for the New Inn has been deleted temporarily.

*  (26 October 2017)

A great audience at Sunrise Home this evening and they've even invited us back for the Christmas Fete on 09 December so we must be doing something right.

Meanwhile, the November songbook for our outing to the New Inn next Wednesday (01 November) is now available.  Unfortunately, the headphone links to Youtube videos for the songs do not work.

*  (20 October 2017)

The songbook for our gig at the Sunrise Home in Southbourne on Thursday (26th October) evening is now available.  We start playing at 19:00.

*  (18 October 2017)

Lost & Found  Anybody lose a tuner at this evening's session?  We found two while moving furniture back. 

*  (13 October 2017)

Are you ready for our monthly 3rd Wednesday meeting at the Blue Boar next week (18th)? If you fancy doing an open-mic, who am I to discourage you?

*  (11 October 2017)

Final timetable attached for the Full of Life event tomorrow (Thursday, 12th) at The Spire in Poole High Street. I'll be there from 13:15 onwards (even though our presentation is not until 15:55) with song sheets and uke so we can give visitors a hands-on demo.

*  (06 October 2017)

It's going to be a busy Saturday morning tomorrow for Poole's ukulele groups who are taking part in the Fun Palaces Day. Fun Palaces is an annual weekend of action - arts, science, craft, tech, digital and sports events and activities - run by and for local communities.

- PUPS are at Oakdale Library from 10:30 and will be giving visitors the opportunity to have a go at ukulele playing;

- Poole U3A Small Instrument Group will be at Parkstone Library at 11:00; and

- The Daisie Ukuladies will be playing and teaching ukulele at Weymouth Library from 11:00

*  (04 October 2017)

Excellent turnout this evening, we've been promoted to the raised area in the front bar (very plush) of the New Inn. A very warm welcome to all the new faces - hope we made a good impression and look forward to seeing you again.

This Saturday (7th Oct), PUPS will be at Oakdale Library, 10:30-12:30 for the Fun Palaces event. We will be demonstrating how much fun the uke, and playing and teaching some simple songs. I'll bring along some printed song sheets (and a spare uke). We'll use the October songbook to play from when not teaching.

*  (30 September 2017)

Just 4 days to go till our monthly meeting at the New Inn.  There are a couple of minor amendments to the songbook (which has been updated):

-  4_21 (Surfin' USA) has been reduced to one page and the final verse dropped; and

-  x_24 (Bound For South Australia) in the last line of the chorus change [Bb] to [C7].

*  (29 September 2017)

Well done to everyone who played at the Macmillan Coffee Morning. Not only did the residents and visitors at Sunrise Home enjoy themselves, we made some money for charity, which we passed on to Macmillan. A good day's work!

We've now received a poster from the organisers of the Fun for Life fair in Poole next month.  It's got our name on it so I guess we'll be there, promoting local ukulele groups. There are other activities on offer - you, your friends or relatives may be interested. And it's free.

*  (26 September)

The songbook for October is now available.  This month's theme, tenuous at times, is transport.  Six new songs to try out.

Don't forget to check the calendar (click on the toolbar above) for forthcoming events and activities.  Here's a quick summary:

- this Friday (29th September) we're playing for the Macmillan Coffee Morning;

- PUPS Lite @ the New Inn on Wednesday, 4th October;

- Fun Palaces community activity at Oakdale Library on Saturday 6th October; and

- Fun for Life community activity at The Spire on Thursday, 12th October.

*  (20 September 2017)

Our evening tonight at the Blue Boar saw a good turn-out with several new faces, and a couple of new songs.  Thanks to Nigel for this month's choice. 


Our next outing is on 29 September in support of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.  This is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer.  We'll meet up at 10:00 at Sunrise Home, Bellevue Road in Southbourne, for playing at 10:30.  The  songbook is now available on the Songbooks page.

*  (15 September 2017)

PUPS have been invited to participate in the Full of Life Day at the Spire in Poole High Street on 12 October 2017.  This is a national event to celebrate and promote community groups that work with older people in the community.  (Those of you who went to university/college can think of it as "Freshers Week" except this doesn't take a week and only involves tea/coffee!)  The event is running for a couple of hours, 14:00-16:00 and will offer us the opportunity to present ourselves to potential new members.  I don't expect much playing but we will have a table/stand area for talking to attendees.  It's also an opportunity to see what other activities are on offer that we might like to sign up for!  Do come along, and please do bring your uke.  We'll worry about songs/music closer to the date.

*  (07 September 2017)

A fantastic evening last night at the New Inn, with holiday visitors Roy and Celia from Norfolk dropping in to join us.

PUPS have been invited to play again at the Sunrise Care Home in Southbourne on the evening of Thursday, 26 October 2017. More details, and songbook, to follow.


*  (30 August 2017)

Ukulele Imps is a small supportive and friendly U3A class for "beginners +".  The group meets Thursdays 10:30-12:30 during term time at Bearwood Community Centre.  For more info, get in touch with Linda on xxxxx xxxxxx or at

*  (23 August 2017)

Only two weeks to go till we're back at the New Inn (Wednesday, 6th September 2017).  The September songbook is now available, chosen this month by Nigel.  He's also slipped in three new songs - check them out on the songbooks page. 

Regular visitors may have spotted a couple more tabs along the top of this website.  The Calendar is straightforward and lists both PUPS events and anything else I think might be of interest in the ukulele world. 

The other addition is the "Coming soon" tab.  As we rarely use the PUPS songbooks on their own, I plan to move away from putting the songbooks on the website.  Instead the songs will be indexed by name.  The monthly songbook pdf for those using tablets and laptops will continue.  


*  (13 August 2017)

Just been down to the Blue Boar to confirm that PUPS are OK for this Wednesday (16th August).  We will be upstairs as usual, kick-off at 19:30.

As the Blue Boar is one of the premier live music venues in Poole, that same evening there will also be a professional show - The Ukulele Variety Show - going on down in the Cellar Bar.


*  (10 August 2017)

Not long now 'til our gig in Poole Park on Saturday!  The organisers say they are erecting a marquee with a small stage and a sound system, if we need it. So no worries about the weather, although I reckon it could be a fine day. Just to confirm, the time of the gig is noon until 1pm.  Hoping to see some of you PUPS on Saturday. 

*  (05 August 2017)

Following Wednesday evening's session at the New Inn, we've made some amendments to the August songbook.  A revised version has now been uploaded to the songbook page.  The amended songs are:

-  Puttin' On The Style                        2_17;

-  San Francisco Bay Blues                6_16; and

-  Surfin' USA                                         4_21

If you're using a tablet, you need only download the revised songbook.  If you're using paper copies, there are individual amended versions towards the bottom of the songbook page.

Sailing (x_04) has also been amended.  Although it is not on this month's playlist, it does appear in the songbook for our Poole Park outing next week.

All the PUPS songbooks on the songbook page have also been updated.

*  (04 August 2017)

The songbook for our outing to Poole Park on 12 August (next Saturday) is now available.  We expect to kick off at noon.  More details to follow as necessary.

*  (23 July 2017)

The August songbook is now available for download, with one revised song and one new song.


The songbook for our day out in Poole Park on 12 August will be posted soon.

*  (12 July 2017)

Only a week to go till we're back at the Blue Boar (on Wednesday, 19 July).  Following last week's run-through of our July songbook, we've made some changes to some of the songs.  The July songbook has been revised - if you have a tablet, you only need to download the latest version which has been uploaded to the songbook page.  If you only want copies of the revised songs, you will find them towards the bottom of the list.  The songs in question are:

1_12a  Jambalaya;

3_07a  Fun Fun Fun; and

4_13a  Marguerita Time.

*  (29 June 2017)

Next week is the first Wednesday (5 July) PUPS evening at the New Inn.  The July songbook is now available containing six new songs to try out in preparation for our day out in Poole Park in August.

*  (20 June 2017)

Don't forget, we're at the Blue Boar tomorrow evening (Wednesday 21st).

*  (16 June 2017)

It's Harry Paye Day tomorrow , so have a fantastic day down the Quay. The Hythe Ukulele Group (HUG) are in town and, back in March, there was a suggestion that we might get together with them for a strum.  They'll be at the Jolly Sailor on Poole Quay tomorrow evening (Saturday, 17 June 2017) for a meal and a strum.  A few PUPS have plans to head down there and join them from about 7pm.  Maybe see you there.

A couple of dates for your diary . . . .

1. PUPS have been invited to play at the Poole Park Festival on Saturday, 12 August. Local community choirs, dance groups and musicians will perform during the day; and

2. PUPS have been invited by Oakdale Library in Poole to participate in the Fun Palaces Weekend. This is a national campaign to have culture at the heart of every community. We will be doing a tutorial/demonstration to encourage members of the community to try their hand at ukulele. This event will take place on Saturday 7 October at 10:30 for a couple of hours.

Further details in due course, expressions of interest please.


*  (26 May 2017)

The June songbook is now available. A great choice of songs from a couple of our regular players, the common theme running through the songs is colour – in the title, in the lyrics, or perhaps just in the sentiments. Not sure where colours fit in to “Blanket On The Ground”? All will be revealed at our monthly meetings. Perhaps some of the open-mic songs could also have a colour theme?

The organisers of the New Forest Ukulele Festival (NFUF) have booked 19 May 2018 for next year's festival.  Time to start practising.

And finally (for now) another date for your diary.  PUPS have been invited to perform in Poole Park on 12 August 2017.  Further details to follow.


*  (24 May 2017)

For those of you who have not got round to checking out the NFUF FB pages, the organisers have put some photos up on youtube.  Worth a look . . .  We're at 1m32s.  


*  (22 May 2017)

Don't forget that a week today, on 29 May, PUPS will be appearing at Ukunelly Sausage & Cider Festival at the Lord Nelson pub on Poole Quay.  We expect to go on at 14:30, but you never can tell!  The (revised) songbook for our slot at Ukunelly has now been uploaded as well as a single sheet for song no.4 (Nelson's Blood) for those who downloaded the book earlier.


*  (17 May 2017)

The PUPS Songbook for NFUF is now available on the songbook page.  Only 3 more days until we're on.  Good luck to you all. 


*  (14 May 2017)

We're at the Blue Boar this week for our regular 3rd Wednesday.  And this is a last opportunity for a collective practice for NFUF on Saturday (20th).

*  (03 May 2017)

A great turn-out at the New Inn this evening.  We ran through the May Songbook, with particular emphasis on our songs for NFUF which is only 17 days away.

*  (27 April 2017)

Check out the revised timetable for the New Forest Ukulele Festival.  PUPS are on stage at 16:20.  There are 15 groups from across the region - from Weymouth to Portsmouth, Winchester to the Isle of Wight - as well as several workshops and opportunities for open mic. 

*  (25 April 2017)

The May Songbook is now available.  Following the successful preview of Iko Iko last month, it now appears in songbook 7x. 


*  (23 April 2017)

Suffering withdrawal symptoms?  Can't wait for the next PUPS meeting? There's plenty going on over the next 7 days in the area.


On Wednesday evening (26th April), SUSBUS holds its monthly meeting at the Brunswick in Charminster, 19:30 – 21:30.


And on Saturday (29th April), you have a choice of events:
- At 16:45, our friends, The Daisie Ukuladies are performing in the Badger Sett at Teddy Rocks Festival in Blandford.
- From 14:00-16:00, the Southern Ukulele Store in Southbourne is running another free workshop and gig with Manitoba Hal who promises an intensely authentic blues ukulele tutorial and gig. See their website for details and to enquire about places.


Finally, not quite ukulele (well actually nothing like it) but two of our fellow ukulele players are playing "grown-up instruments" in The Wonky Donkeys at Teddy Rocks Festival 2017 on the Sunday (30th April).


*  (17 April 2017)

A reminder that we are back at the Blue Boar for our regular session this Wednesday (19 April).  Look forward to seeing you all there.

If you're down this way on holiday and your dates coincide with one of our meetings, please do feel free to bring your uke along and join us.


*  (05 April 2017)

A great evening at the New Inn.  We played through the April songbook, identifying where we need work on some of the material for the upcoming events.  At the end of the evening, we went on a recruitment drive with the locals, some of whom we hope might join us next month.  A great venue, parking, disabled access, on the bus routes - what's not to like? 


*  (03 April 2017)

The Team have found you a new venue for PUPS Lite - well done ladies!  We will be at The New Inn, 222 Wimborne Road, Poole BH15 2EL on the 1st Wednesday of each month.  I'm informed that there is parking and disabled access.

*  (29 March 2017)

The April songbook is now available.  It contains several new songs which we will trial.  If they work, and I'm confident they will, they will be included in our Ukunelly songbook (more details later).

This month's songbook also contains our songs for NFUF so that we can rehearse them.  


I've decided to split Songbook 7 into 2 books, 7N and 7x, to keep the paper versions manageable.  Those of you using tablets will continue to benefit from the monthly songbook and will mostly be unaffected. 


*  (23 March 2017)

Sadly, our time at The Foundry Arms has come to an end.  The alternate Wednesday evening quiz nights at the pub have proved so popular that they will now take place every week.  We'd like to thank Moz and Tracey (and all the staff) for their hospitality and wish them well.


*  (16 March 2017) 

Preparations for PUPS' performance at NFUF (the New Forest Ukulele Festival) on Saturday 20th May 2017 are well underway.  Our playlist for the event is:

- Deadwood Stage;

- Fat Bottomed Girls;

- The Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde;

- Any Dream Will Do; and

- Those Were The Days

The final 2 songs on the list are flagged up for audience participation.


Send me an email ( if you would like to participate.  All abilities welcome - it's what we're about.  Even though we're all great uke players, we'll need to organise a practice session.


*  (13 March 2017) 

Don't forget, it's PUPS at The Blue Boar this Wednesday (15 March).  We'll be in the main Bar, down at the far end, this week.


Following last week's session at The Foundry, we have some revisions:

3_19a Those Were The Days - a couple of unnecessary chords and lines removed from the chorus.  The revised version is now available on a single page.  Both Songbook 3 and the March Songbook have been updated.


Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde - although not yet included in a PUPS songbook, the handout used last week has been revised, reduced to a single page and uploaded to the Songbooks page.


7_N04 Any Dream Will Do - no change but reduced to single page.  Songbook 7 updated.



*  (06 March 2017)

It's PUPS at The Foundry Arms this Wednesday (8th March),

cya there!


*  (03 March 2017)

Upcoming event in Salisbury next Friday (10 March 2017).
Mike Jackson will be at Musicroom Salisbury, holding a workshop at 11am and 2pm. Mike is the author of ukulele tutor-book and song-book series ‘Uke N Play’.  He is a ukulele teacher, entertainer, and multi-instrumentalist.  He’s sold 250,000 albums and is perhaps best known in Australia for his version of Bananas in Pyjamas.
This is a fantastic opportunity for all ukulele players, beginner to intermediate, to meet a well-known ukulele player, ask questions and learn lots!
If you're interested in attending, please contact the shop direct via email or telephone, stating your name and whether you’ll be attending the 11am or 2pm workshop.
Telephone: 01722 322278



*  (26 February 2017)

The March songbook is now available on the Songbook page.  This month's selection is thanks to Lizzy and Jan.  There are four new songs this month, available as individual songs:

- All Around My Hat;

- I'll Tell Me Ma;

- I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing; and

- Lily The Pink

-We also have "Those Were The Days"  (yes, we already had "Those Were The Days" but this is in a different key).

I've had to spread the new songs around existing songbooks to make my admin tasks a bit easier.  Perhaps later this year we'll have a complete rethink on numbering and books.  Your comments on the subject are welcomed.

All of the songbooks on this site have been updated, as has the songs/books index.

*  (16 February 2017)

PUPS will be playing for the residents at Sunrise Home next week. 

When:    19:00hrs, 23 February 2017

Where:   Sunrise Home, 42 Belle Vue Road,

                 Southbourne, Bournemouth, BH6 3DS

The songbook is now available.     
We are playing for about an hour. 

Please check this website or the FB page in case there any changes.


*  (15 February 2017)

A fantastic evening down the Blue Boar tonight.  Very pleased to see so many of you (30-plus) strumming, plucking and singing.  Hope you enjoyed  it as much as I did.  Pictures of some of our open-mic songs on the photos page. 

And did I mention the cookies?  What a great idea to bake some PUPS and Ukulele-shaped cookies, donating proceeds to Julia's House.  Many thanks.


*  (14 February 2017)

This Wednesday (15th February) is the third Wednesday in the month, and you all know what happens then . . . . We're at the Blue Boar for our monthly get-together.  Less than two days to go, start practising those 60s songs. And don't be afraid to dress up (or down) for the occasion.


*  (09 February 2017)

The NEW FOREST UKULELE FESTIVAL 2017 now has its own web page and FB page.  It even features on Got A Ukulele's festival calendar. 

PUPS will be performing there so if you want to participate, watch this space for details of our play list and any practice we might organise.


*  (30 January 2017)

PUPS have been invited to play for the residents of Sunrise Home in Southbourne on Thursday, 23 February. About 1 hour's playing from 19:00. An event page will go up later today on FB.  Or you can email for further details.


*  (26 January 2017)

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain seem to appear in Poole about once a year.  This year they'll be at the Lighthouse on Saturday 9 December.  Now is a good time to grab yourself front-row seats!


*  (22 January 2017)

Another date for your (ukulele) diary!  Late May Bank Holiday falls on 29 May this year and Jools tells me she is organising Ukunelly again.  Full details will issue soon but in the meantime, you might like to think about attending, participating or even putting together a group to perform.  PUPS will, of course, be there.  Will you?


Remember . . .  PUPS is not just for Christmas, it's for life (or whenever you can make it).


*  (20 January 2017)

We were back in The Cellar again for our 3rd Wednesday meeting on 18th January at the Blue Boar.  I have to admit it was a bit chilly down there, despite having 30 of us singing and playing.  Great to see new faces and regulars.  Our thanks to all who made the effort, the evening went really well. 


The February 2017 songlist is now available here or on the Songbook page.  And for the tablet and i-Pad users, the February 2017 Songbook is also available.  This month's selection is chosen by Eric, the theme of the evening being "The Sixties".  As he's a big fan of  Teenager In Love, we've added this (as N18) to the PUPS repertoire and a revised version of PUPS Songbook 7 has been uploaded today.


As the countdown clocks on the home page show, we're back at The Foundry Arms for the 2nd Wednesday in February.  I popped in to see our hosts, Tracy & Moz, yesterday and all the refurbishment work has been finished.  The place still feels like home.  If you're in there sometime, check out the TV screen which is advertising PUPS!


And, of course, our 3rd Wednesday In February will be at the Blue Boar.  If you can't wait to get another dose of ukulele, check out the SUSBUS, CHUGS and DUJ pages for their upcoming jams.


*  (08 January 2017)

A date for your diaries . . . Saturday, 20th May 2017 for the New Forest Ukulele Festival featuring groups from across Dorset and Hampshire.

Did you think for a minute that PUPS would not be participating? The organisers will be putting up a website and FB page very soon with more details. And it's time for us to decide who's going (all welcome) and what's on our playlist.

Interested? Leave a comment on our FB page, drop us an email or speak to us at the next meeting.


*  (04 January 2017)

Only 7 days to go till we kick off the 2017 season.  As the Foundry Arms is undergoing a makeover next week, we will be meeting at the BLUE BOAR instead.


Fellow uke player & teacher, Rob Palmer, is running a 4-week beginner ukulele class at the Brit Pub, starting this Sunday (8th January) in case anyone is interested. Check out his events page on FB  or on Gumtree.  


And if you fancy an evening of just watching, the Mother Ukers are back at the Foundry Arms on  Friday 27th January.


More news as it develops . . . .


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*  (28 December 2016)

The January 2017 songbook is now available.  And it's time for you to put to good use all those ukes, kazoos and other accessories that you received for Christmas.

This month (January 2017), both of our meetings will be at the Blue Boar - see the countdown clocks on the home page.  The PUPS Lite meeting will include a "workshop" to introduce a handful of new songs.  As the workshop songs have not yet received the PUPS "Seal of Approval", we will not be posting them up on the website or the FB page.  Handouts will be available on the evening, but if you want a sneak preview, drop us an email ( and we'll send a pdf by return.

*  (15 December 2016)

The PUPS Lite evening in the Cellar Bar went well.  The acoustics are great, so it was no surprise to learn that it is regularly used for jazz and other music events.  Bruce, and others, thought they felt a "spirit" down there but the history books do not tell of any ghostly presence.  "Poole's Inns, Taverns and Hotels" by Andrew Hawkes (published by the Poole Historical Trust) gives background on the Blue Boar (and many other pubs in Poole).  We're so lucky to be able to play in such historic venues. 


We tried out a new song last night - Lonely Pup (In A Christmas Shop) by Adam Faith.  Songsheet is up on the songbook page if you would like to take a look.


We're back in the Cellar Bar next week (21st December).  Those with lights for their music might like to bring them along as the lighting is as "atmospheric" as you'd expect in a cellar.  



*  (11 December 2016)

Everyone likes surprises at Christmas!


Apologies for the short notice - this week's regular 2nd Wednesday meeting has had to be relocated.  It will now be held at the Blue Boar (NOT the Foundry Arms).  We will be down in the Cellar (don't gate-crash the private event upstairs).  Please tell anyone you know who might have been thinking of coming along for it.


We will be "plugged" and can do open-mic so if your favourite Christmas song is not in the book, we (and by that, I mean you) get the opportunity to share some less well-known tunes with PUPS.  

*  (10 December 2016)

A busy week ahead . . . PUPS are performing on Tuesday (13th December) evening at the Wimborne Townswomen's Guild.  We will be using the PUPS Christmas Gigs 2016 book for this one.  More details on the FB events page.


And on Wednesday (14th December), we're at the Blue Boar (NOT the Foundry Arms) for our regular 2nd Wednesday meeting.  Bring your PUPS Xmas Songbook. (Edited 11 December 2016)


Other events:

- If you can't make the PUPS event on Tuesday, and you find yourself over Christchurch way, you might like to join Jools at the Stanpit Village Hall Christmas Shindig.

- And at the weekend, our fellow uke players, the U3A Ukulele Jam will be at Kingston Lacy (Saturday 17th December) from 13:00 and at Sainsbury's Alder Road (Sunday 18th December) from 14:00

. . . . and that's just this coming week!


Remember . . .  PUPS is not just for Christmas, it's for life (or whenever you can make it).


*  (09 December 2016)

(Taken from PUPS Facebook page, with photo on the Photo pages)

On behalf of all at The Courtyard Craft Centre, Thank you so much for for taking time out to perform yesterday evening at our Traditional Christmas Craft Market. Who knew Christmas shopping could be such fun? You really got us into the Christmas spirit :) and helped make the evening a success! You also helped raise lots of money for Wave 105 Mission Christmas. Thanks again and wishing you a very merry Christmas xx


*  (02 December 2016)

The cold and ice didn't stop us.  We had a great evening yesterday with wonderful hosts.  And plenty of tea and cake!  The playlist/songbook for the two Christmas gigs has been finalised and is now up on the songbooks page - don't confuse it with the Christmas Songbook which will be used at our two regular sessions (Foundry Arms and Blue Boar).  If you are coming along to the Courtyard Craft Centre gig next Thursday (8th December), please aim to arrive 10 or so minutes early.  Dress as festively as you like, I dare you! 


*  (29 November 2016)

(posted at 17:00hrs)

Rehearsal for Christmas gigs.

John and Di have offered to host a small group for a rehearsal evening, in Parkstone, this Thursday (1st December).  If you would like to attend, please email me at to add your name to the list and receive directions and details.  As Sir Fred Pontin used to say "Book early 👍".


*  (16 November 2016)

A fantastic evening at the Blue Boar, and lots of new faces.  Don't forget the Christmas gigs on 8th and 13th December.  And our two regular monthly meetings - 14th and 21st December. 


*  (12 November 2016)

Forthcoming events - PUPS have been invited to play at two Christmas events.  Ideally, we would like to get at least a dozen players at each event.  There will be an Events page on Facebook with the details.  If you are interested and do not use FB, send an email to and I will get back to you with full details.  The events are:


Event:  Playing at the Christmas Market in support of Wave 105's

             Mission Christmas charity

Date:  Thursday, 8th December 2016

Time:  20:00

Place:  The Courtyard Craft Centre, Lytchett Minster


Event:  Wimborne Townswomen's Guild Christmas meeting

Date:  Tuesday, 13th December 2016

Time:  19:30 

Place:  Priests House Museum Educational Centre

             23-27 High Street Wimborne Dorset BH21 1HR 

Another date for your diary is Saturday, 20th May 2017  We  have had an enquiry from the organisers of the New Forest Ukulele Festival to see if we (and other uke groups in Dorset and Hampshire) would be interested in playing.  More details in due course but if you are interested please do let us know (email or FB).

*  (9 November 2016)

Don't forget, we're at the Foundry Arms this evening (Wednesday, 9th November).  It has probably not escaped your notice that Remembrance Sunday this year sits between our two November meetings (and it is no coincidence that this month's PUPS theme is "popular war-time songs").  Our hosts at The Foundry Arms are having a Remembrance Sunday event - check out their FB page for details

Have you got your poppy yet?


*  (1 November 2016)

The November songbook for PUPS' November meetings is now available.  The theme for this month is "popular war-time songs" and the November songbook contains 21 new songs and just three of our regular songs.


*  (31 October 2016)

Only 54 days to Christmas! And if you just cant wait to start practising those carols, you could head along to CHUGS meeting on Monday 7 November (see


*  (21 October 2016)

A late change of location for the Ukulele Jam's charity gig tomorrow (Saturday 22nd). The group will now be playing outside Marks & Spencer's in Westbourne. from 10:30.


*  (20 October 2016)

Yesterday evening's meeting at the Blue Boar was great fun with the cowboy theme.  Another themed evening next month, details to follow.


Our friends (and fellow players) at Poole U3A's Ukulele Jam will be playing for charity in Westbourne Arcade this Saturday (22nd October) from 10:30.  They are playing in support of Dorset Blind Association.  Why not go along and support them . . .


And on Monday 31st October, 'Ukulele Jam and Friends' invite you to this year’s Charity Concert from 11:45 at SS Joseph and Walburga Church Hall in Archway Rd, Parkstone.  Good parking, or bus to John Lewis.  Free admission.  There will be a collection box for Forest Holme Hospice, in memory of our friend and fellow ukulele and guitar player, Mike Flinter, who died in October 2015.

Ukulele Jam, supported by the U3A guitar group, will be playing/singing songs you know.  * Raffle* plus *Auction of a good quality ukulele*.   All are welcome.


*  (13 October 2016)

Another great evening down the Foundry Arms last night, and numbers rising.  This is now a regular event for us - 2nd Wednesday of the month - and the website has been amended to reflect this, with a separate countdown clock for each event.  Some of you may have noticed that the minutes/seconds on the countdown clocks do not match.  Is it due to a difference in gravity due to differeing latitudes of the two venues, or perhaps time is moving differently to when the original clock was set - I have no explanation for this.  Meanwhile, get ready for next week's regular session at the Blue Boar.


*  (11 October 2016)

Don't forget . . . PUPS Unplugged! at the Foundry Arms in Lagland Street tomorrow (Wednesday 12th October) evening. And as it is all acoustic, there's no "open-mic", we just work our way through this month's songbook - I hear you all breathe a sigh of relief.  Everybody welcome. If you haven't got the songbook yet, it is available here and on the songbook page.


*  (30 September 2016)

Only 19 days to go till the next PUPS meeting at the Blue Boar.  Here's a taste of what's to come - you can find the songlist here.  The songbook will be uploaded later today or tomorrow.  And if you can't wait 19 days, don't forget that we do an acoustic evening on the 2nd Wednesday at the Foundry Arms in Lagland Street with the same songbook.


And by coincidence, the Mother Ukers are playing at the Foundry Arms this evening at 20:00


As promised, the songbook for our October meeting is now available for download here and on the songbook page.  You'll see we have both kinds of music this month - Country AND Western! (Plus a few other songs thrown in to pad it out.)  Eight new songs, fun and easy to play (honestly).


If you are looking for the new songs individually, you will find them in the PUPS Songbook 7 N&X. 


Meanwhile, the Index of PUPS songs, on the songbook page, has been updated to include all our new songs.  You might not wish to print it out as it runs to 13 pages, but it can be a useful tool.


*  (21 September 2016)

What a fantastic evening at the Blue Boar - PUPS sang songs from the shows, together with some of our regular songs. Great acoustics. We sang so well, and so loud, we were entertaining passers-by, and regulars in the bar downstairs. Thanks go to all those who turned up - we couldn't have done it without you. Thanks also to those who volunteered for open mic. Look forward to seeing you all again next month.


*  (16 September 2016)

A few uke-related events this Saturday (17th September):

- our friends at CHUGS are playing Holton Lee with sets at 13:15 on the main field; 14:30 in the garden; and 15:30 back on the main field.

- the fabulous Daisie Ukuladies are at the Cherry Tree Nursery in Bournemouth from 11:30

- Plastic Jeezus are at the Acoustic Movement festival near Lytchett Matravers; and

- Southern Ukulele Store & Music is Life in Southbourne has another FREE workshop and gig tomorrow afternoon with Percy Copley.


Check out the websites . . . . . so much to do, so little time . . . .


And one extra event to add: If you see a group of uke players on the Purbeck Breezer buses on Sunday (18th September), it's our friends at Uke Box Glory having a trip out to Swanage. In addition to entertaining other passengers en route, they will be playing at Swanage Steam Railway at 10:45 and again latert at Knoll Cafe, Studland Beach around 12:40.


Looking forward to next month . . . .  The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain are at the O2 Guildhall in Southampton on 5 October 2016.  And it doesn't even clash with one of our ukulele evenings!



*  (15 September 2016)

Congratulations - you've arrived at our new web address!  The content remains the same.


*  (11 September 2016)

And a quick reminder that we are down the Foundry Arms in Lagland Street this Wednesday (14th September) for another PUPS Unplugged!  We will use the September 2016 songbook.  Playing starts at 19:30, everyone welcome, even if you plan to come along to the regular monthly meeting next week.


**  During this coming week, I hope to change the PUPS website address.  When the change is made, you will not be able to access the PUPS website through the current address.  (This paragraph edited 15 September 2016)


When the change is made, it will be announced on our Facebook page.  I know that some of you do not like the idea of using FB but you do not need to have a FB account to see our FB page.  Alternatively, if you would like to be advised when the change has been made, contact me by email on**


*  (03 September 2016)

A (smallish) group of PUPS gave a performance outside Sainsbury's in Poole this morning in support of Julia's House.  Photos are up on the photos page.  Our thanks to Sue in her role as photographer and bucket- rattler, and to Omar for his percussion work.


PUPS does AmDram.  The songbook for September has now been uploaded and contains seven new well-known songs, taken from musicals.  If your favourite is not there, you're very welcome to do it as an open-mic spot.  I'm sure everyone else will be prepared to join in to assist.  And of course, if there are no other volunteers, there is one of our members who might be prepared to do something from that well-known "musical" Cool Hand Luke.


Stop Press  You don't need to miss out on all the fun even if you can't make it to the regular session at the Blue Boar.  As our PUPS Unplugged at the Foundry Arms went down so well a couple of weeks ago, we've decided to do it again on Wednesday 14th September, kick-off at 19:30.  We will use the September songbook for this.  Everyone welcome, - and it's an extra helping for PUPS who will be going to the regular monthly meeting.    


*  (01 September 2016)

A few  uke-related events taking place this weekend. Boscombe Community Fair has (at least) three different uke bands playing on Sunday (4th September):

The Daisie Ukuladies are on at 15:00 on the Community Stage

Plastic Jeezus is now on the main stage at 13:00; and

-  the Mother Ukers are on the main stage at 18:30.

(Check the BCF FB page for latest timings.)


*  (30 August 2016)

Following last week's practice at The Foundry Arms, a couple of songs have been amended:

-  4th verse added to "Folsom Prison Blues" (PUPS1_06); and

- a single chord change, from G7 to A7, at the end of the penultimate line of "You're Sixteen" (PUPS1_22).

As a result, a revised Songbook 1 (rev3) and a revised Songbook for 3rd September 2016 have been uploaded which incorporate these changes.


We look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it on Saturday (3rd September) for our charity playing.  We'll meet up outside Sainsbury's in Poole around 10:15 for a 10:30 start, playing for about an hour.  We plan to do a second session, meeting up at 12:45 for a 13:00 start.  


*  (27 August 2016)

An excellent afternoon spent in the company of Peter Moss.  Who would have thought he would also have us singing - in harmony.  Pictures from today, and also last week's, workshop & gig now posted.


*  (26 August 2016)

A few events in the next few days to keep you busy on the uke front until our next meeting:


Peter Moss is lined up for tomorrow (27th August) at the Southern Ukulele Store in Southbourne.  See the Store's website - for details of these and other free workshops and gigs coming up.   Ben Rouse's workshop and gig went very well last week.  One of the things I took away from that session was how to be successful - make it look complicated and pull a "guitar face".


If you're in Christchurch on Monday (29th August), you can see Plastic Jeezus playing a stripped-down, totally acoustic (ish) set at the Saxon Bear Ale House. They've got a huge beer festival going on all weekend and they'll be plinky-plonking the bejesus out of it at 3pm. It's a bank holiday, so you've got no excuse! So witness the mayhem!  Details on Facebook, no account required to see it.  Simon, the uke player in Plastic Jeezus, told me recently that he is an unconventional ukulele player - that is certainly one way of describing him.


SUSBUS is still going strong, and the next meeting is on Wednesday (31st August).  Have a look at the SUSBUS Facebook page for more details - you do not need a FB account to see it.


*  (25 August 2016)

Back to our roots . . . . a small group from PUPS at the Foundry Arms yesterday evening.  A wonderful atmosphere, thanks to our hosts Moz and Tracey. PUPS Unplugged!  We'll look to do it again very soon - watch this space.


*  (22 August 2016)

PUPS will be playing outside Sainsbury's in Poole on 3rd September in support of Julia's House charity.  We will be playing for about an hour starting at 10:30.  We'll do a second performance starting at 13:00. The songlist/songbook will issue later today.  Even if you can only make one of the performances, we'd love to have you with us.


As mentioned in yesterday's post, in preparation for the charity performance, we're having an informal get-together at the Foundry Arms in Lagland Street this Wednesday (24th August) at 19:30.  If you are unable to make it to the Sainsbury's performances but you'd still like to come along to the practice - please do!  No stairs to climb this week.


*  (21 August 2016)

A few of us are meeting up at The Foundry in Lagland Street this Wednesday (24 August) evening at 7.30pm to run through the songlist for our gig at Sainsbury's on 3 September (full details of which follow shortly). It's going to be very informal and totally unplugged - so all voices and ukes are welcome.


*  (14 August 2016)

(taken from the PUPS FB page)

HI PUPS - hope you'll all come to our August meeting. If you've seen the August songbook you might have guessed that we've got a theme of summer holidays/on the beach happening. Dress for the beach if you like or chill out in a sarong (very David Beckham!) See you at our new venue on WEDNESDAY - you'll be transported to paradise!


*  (13 August 2016)

PUPS have been invited to play in support of Julia's House charity on Saturday 3 September in Poole Town Centre.  We will probably do two separate one-hour slots during the day.  If you would like to join in for one or both slots, there is scope for flexibility. Expressions of interest please, on FB or via email (  More details to follow.


*  (12 August 2016)

A few upcoming events and happenings to tell you about.

-  At 10:30 tomorrow morning (Saturday 13th August), our friends (and fellow players) from Poole U3A's Ukulele Jam will be playing for charity in Westbourne Arcade.

-  And tomorrow evening (20:00'ish), local folk/rock ukulele band Plastic Jeezus will be one of a number of bands playing at a charity event at the King Charles in Thames Street.  Further details of this event at      and 

(you don't need to log in to facebook to be able to see these pages).


And looking ahead, there are a couple of free workshops and gigs coming up at the Southern Ukulele Store. Ben Rouse is in the hot-seat next weekend (20th August) and Peter Moss is lined up for the following weekend (27th August). See the Store's website - for details of these and other free workshops and gigs coming up.


*  (04 August 2016)

All seven of the new songs are now available on the Songbook page.  For those with tablets, the August songbook is also available here, on the Songbook page and on Facebook


*  (01 August 2016)

The August songlist is now out.  It features 7 new songs which will be available here and on the FB page in the next couple of days.  And, of course, this will be followed by the complete songbook for August.


*  (27 July 2016)

Despite Paul and Lisa stepping down from SUSBUS, there are plans for the show to go on. Next meeting is this evening (Wednesday 27th July) at the Brunswick Hotel in Charminster. Might see you there . . . .


*  (26 July 2016)

Our friends (and fellow players) at Poole U3A's Ukulele Jam will be the opening act at the Mudeford Arts Festival this year, playing at 11:00 this Saturday (30 July 2016). Why not go along and support them . . . Free admission!  Details on the MAF website and FB page.


*  (22 July 2016)

At last night's meeting, Nigel Moody announced that with the impending redevelopment of the area, we are moving from Twin Sails to a new home.  We have had a fantastic two years, with wonderful views of the new bridge and Holes Bay and great facilities. A big thanks to our hosts, Sally and Julian.  We wish them all the best for the future.


Our new home will be the function room at the Blue Boar pub in Market Close, Poole.  PUPS is also moving to the 3rd Wednesday of the month.  Details on the home page.  


*  (11 July 2016)

Those of you not signed up for FaceBook may not be aware that Paul and Lisa, who have run SUSBUS since 2010, have decided to call it a day.  We wish them all the very best and I'm sure we'll see them around on the circuit.  Meanwhile, we wait to see if anyone is willing and able to take over from them at SUSBUS.


Suffering withdrawal symptoms? Can't wait till next week's PUPS meeting? Dorset Ukulele Jam meets 2nd Tuesday at the King Charles. Check out the FB page or website. Might see you there.


*  (10 July 2016)

Ukulele players from several local groups - Southampton Ukulele

Jam, Uke Box Glory, Dorset Ukulele Jam and, of course, PUPS - played as part of Southampton Ukulele Jam at Hants & Dorset's centenary event on Poole Quay today.  Photos on the photos page.  How many faces do you know?


*  (2 July 2016)

All five of the new songs (plus "Drunken Sailor") are now available on the Songbook page.  For those with tablets, the July songbook is also available here, on the Songbook page and on Facebook


*  (30 June 2016)

Three of the new songs (plus "Drunken Sailor") from July's song list have now been uploaded to the Songbook page.  Two more to go.


*  (29 June 2016)

Two of the new songs (plus "Drunken Sailor") from July's song list have now been uploaded to the Songbook page.  The rest will be posted shortly.


*  (26 June 2016)

The song list for PUPS' July meeting is now ready. We've had the idea of introducing some new songs each month to try out and, if they work out on a club night, they could be included in the next PUPS songbook. The new songs will issue individually, here and on the FB page, over the next couple of days (for those of us still using paper). For those using tablets, they will be included in the July songbook which will issue sometime this week. 


*  (17 June 2016)

Pictures from the June meeting have now been posted.  Check them out.


*  (16 June 2016)

We now have an email address so you can get in touch with us - 

We will respond to enquiries as soon as we can.


A big "thank you" to everyone who turned up for the June meeting this evening at Twin Sails.  Looking forward to seeing you all again next month. 


PUPS now features in the list of ukulele clubs in Dorset at  Worth checking out the website, lots of interesting stuff there.  A couple of other local clubs also feature - Corfe Hills and Dorset Ukulele Jam. 


*  (31 May 2016)

The June 2016 songlist is now available here or on the Songbook page.  And for the tablet users, the June 2016 songbook is also available.


A fair number of PUPS turned out for the annual Ukunelly event at the Lord Nelson on Poole Quay yesterday.  This was not just a fun event - collection buckets were out for Forest Holme Hospice, a local Poole charity. 


As well as representing PUPS, several of our members also performed in other groups, such as the "Senior Moments", jammed with Jools and Paul Buckley and even performed "open mic".  There are pictures of the event on the Photos page and more will be added in due course.


*  (22 May 2016)

The definitive Ukunelly songlist and Ukunelly songbook for PUPS' performance at Ukunelly on Monday 30 May are now available here and on the Songbook page.  The running order is different to our practice last week, and we are performing a maximum of 12 songs.  The only change made is the removal of the ad-libs in "Cider Drinker" - we'll make them up and fit them in on the day.  The fun starts at 12:00, and PUPS are on at 14:30.  Even if you didn't manage to get to our monthly meeting to practice the songs, do come along and join us.


*  (21 May 2016)

Several PUPS members had an entertaining and worthwhile afternoon spent in the company of Aaron and Nichole Keim ( who delivered a workshop on fingerstyle playing, which was pitched perfectly for us enthusiastic learners. This was followed up with an hour-long gig featuring their music. All organised by the Southern Ukulele Store over at Fisherman's Walk, Southbourne. (See website for future workshops and events:


*  (30 April 2016)

The May 2016 playlist for PUPS is now available here, or on the Songbook page.  The first thing to note is that there are three new songs:

-  A new version of "Chattanooga Choo Choo", in the key of [G], has been added to Songbook 3 as 3_04a.  Single sheet download available here.  Latest version (rev3) of Songbook 3 with updated cover page and 04a is available on Songbook page;

-  A PUPS version of the Wurzels' "Cider Drinker" is available on the Songbook page as a single page or double page download; and

-  The third of our new songs is "What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor".  This is also available on the Songbook page as a single page or double page download.


These three songs will form part of our repertoire for Ukunelly.


And of course, for those with tablets, we have uploaded the May 2016 songbook.    



*  (22 April 2016)

PUPS will be performing at the annual Ukunelly ukulele event, run by the Lord Nelson pub in Poole as part of its Sausage & Cider Festival, on 30 May.  Our slot is 14:30 - 15:00.  More details to follow. 


*  (7 April 2016)

The April 2016 playlist  is here.  And by popular request (she knows who she is . . . ), for those working on tablets, we have uploaded the April 2016 songbook.  For those of us with paper copies, it's back to shuffling papers again.


*  (15 March 2016)

One small amendment to the March songlist.  "Happy Together" is Book 3 Page 9 - the original song list (now changed) gave the wrong page number.


*  (26 February 2016)

Here it is! What you've all been waiting for . . . . the March 2016 playlist. Songs referenced as book 'SP' are taken from the recently posted 'St. Patrick's Day songbook'


*  (25 February 2016)

A new PUPS songbook to download on the Songbooks page. This one contains some of the songs for our next meeting on St. Patrick's Day. The full playlist for the next meeting will issue in the next few days.


*  (24 February 2016)

The PUPS meeting on 17 March coincides with St. Patrick's Day.  Click here for a copy of the flyer.  PUPS St. Patrick's Day


*  (19 February 2016)

Amendments list and index of songs updated.  Latest versions of all songbooks uploaded.


*  (1 February 2016)

New version of "Your Cheatin' Heart" added to Songbook 2 as 2_22a.  Single sheet download available here.  Latest version (ver2) of Songbook 2 with updated cover page and 22a  available on Songbook page.


*  (20 December 2015)

The Ukulele Society of Great Britain has a write-up of the visit to P'uke by Andy Eastwood back in September 2014, penned by our very own "Pa Jones". 

Well worth a read:  


*  (21 October 2015)

The PUPS Christmas Songbook is now available for

download on the Songbooks page or on the PUPS

FaceBook page.

(for queries and to join in a gig:

Poole Ukulele Pluckers and Strummers, PUPS, Ukulele playing in Poole, Twin Sails, Poole ukulele, Poole ukulele players,,

Website updated 26.2.25

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